FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC)

FRC 6369

FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) is our most challenging program. Here highschool students design, build, and program a 100-125 lbs robot from scratch. It's a big challenge and our students rise to the occasion. 


Grades: 9-12 

Applications: June - Dec (or roster full)

Off Season: June - Dec

Regular Season: Jan-March

Championship Season: April


Registration Includes

Registration Does NOT Include

Off Season Time Commitment:

We have regular twice weekly meetings during the off season. These meetings will work on basic skill and team building in preparation for the upcoming season. Wednesday evening and Saturday afternoon are our traditional meeting days. We recognise and encourage student/family travel during the summer and thus the off season schedule is much more flexible.

Additional skill building workshops offered in the off season vary year to year based on team needs and mentor/trainer availability. Past workshops have included CAD (intro to advanced), programming, welding, 3d printing, and powder coating.

We usually attend one to three off season competitions. These events do not build points to a championship so they tend to be lower pressure and good training grounds for students, preparing them for the higher pressure of qualifiers during competition season. These events can be local to DFW or further away. We are regulars at TRI - Texas Robotics Invitational in Houston in late June and we try to work one or two more In as schedules allow. These entry fees are not part of the registration fee and are passed on only to the families attending. 

Competition Season Time Commitment:

This season can get hectic. Officially there are three meeting days on the calendar. Wednesday evening, Thursday evening and the majority of Saturday are our traditional meeting days.

However, sub teams responsible for each individual component of the robot tend to meet on additional days of the week. Some sub teams, such as software, have the additional flexibility of being able to work from home.

As we approach qualifiers students often elect to spend more time in the shop to ensure the robot is ready in time. 

The team attends two qualifying events. Last year's qualifying events were in Belton, TX and Amarillo, TX. The typical schedule has load in on Wednesday evening with competition running Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Most parents will write a note to their school's administration office to excuse the absences. The MSA is happy to provide a note on letterhead explaining the event to assist In obtaining the excused absence. 

With lots of hard work and a little bit of luck the team will move on to State in April.

Championship Season Time Commitment:

State level event is usually held the first W/T/F/S in April while FIRST Championships (AKA Worlds) are held the third W/T/F/W in April. Both of these events are in Houston, TX. 

Progression to these events is never guaranteed and it is an honor to attend.