Our FIRST LEGO League (FLL) teams learn important skills such as problem-solving, teamwork, and communication. Using LEGO kits they construct base robots and then customize code and attachments to complete challenges set forth by the game.

At competition they not only demonstrate how well their robot solves the challenges but they use their presentation and public speaking skills to showcase their design and process to judges and other competitors.

Each of our FLL teams has its own dedicated adult mentor, supplemented in many cases by one of our accomplished FRC High School students serving as a secondary mentor.


Grades: 4-8 *a limited number of our teams will take students in the 2nd and 3rd grades

Applications: May - Aug (or roster full)

Off Season: June-July

Regular Season: August-January

Championship Season: February


Registration Includes

Off Season Time Commitment:

Occasional, non regular, meets during the offseason. These meetings will work on basic skill and team building in preparation for the upcoming season.

Days and times of offseason meetings will vary for each team and will be determined upon team formation.

McKinney STEAM Academy (MSA) also offers off season "Intro To" workshops and summer camps. FIRST LEGO League registration gets your student early access to sign ups.

Regular Season Time Commitment:

Most teams meet 1 time a week on site with occasional additional scrimmage nights. Meetings are held at the McKinney STEAM Academy and usually last 2+ hours.

Additionally, at the Coach's discretion, some teams choose to meet off site as well.

Teams attend 1 competition per season. Competitions are usually located within a 30 minute drive of our facility and are usually held on a Saturday.

MSA and Mercenary teams are 100% volunteer run. We need parent support. Parents can support teams in a myriad of ways including but not limited to: building, programming, presentation materials, logistical support, general student oversight.

Championship Season Time Commitment:

Teams that do not advance to Championships can take this season to relax.

Teams that advance to the Championships often meet more frequently during February to fine-tune their robot and presentations for the Championship.

As of July 15 we have moved to waitlist status for FIRST LEGO League. If you would be interested in coaching a team of 8 students please contact us and we can create a new team.